🎉 Congratulations to all our learners on their GCSE results. We are exceptionally proud of each and every one and wish you every success for your next steps. 🎉

The School Day and Term Dates

The School Day

The school opens at 8:30am and our day begins with transitions from transport and breakfast club. Structured lessons begin at 9.00am and end at 2:35pm.

We have 5, 50 minute lessons each day and these include, maths, English, ICT, science, history, geography, PSHE, PE and social skills development. These lessons are taught on rotation in small groups, ranging from 4 children to 8 children in a class. Our skilled staff support learners with personalised learning interventions in the core subjects of maths, English and ICT.

Learners can also access therapeutic sessions with a trained counsellor, and work with Speech and Language Therapists. Pastoral interventions are woven into the school day through whole class, small group work and one-to-one sessions depending on the individual needs of the child.

Each learner at our school has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which is tailored to their specific needs and includes things such as developing citizenship, interests such as sports, art, needlecraft, and life skills like road safety.

Snack and lunch times are structured and supervised with a focus on healthy eating and independence. Learners are encouraged to join lunchtime clubs that offer extra-curricular learning and an opportunity to socialise with other year groups. Break times are seen as important learning moments to develop social and other skills.

Food at Break Through School

Each week, learners are provided with a visual menu to support them in making their own food choices for the week. A hot meal option is offered each day, but if the learner prefers they are able to select alternatives including wraps and sandwiches.

We pay particular attention to a balanced and healthy diet, using fresh ingredients wherever possible. We are able to accommodate specific dietary needs such as allergies and cultural requirements.

Learners at Break Through are also encouraged to cook and prepare their own food for school events and as part of their Home Cooking Skills learning.


We support our learners in being comfortable and appropriately dressed for their school day. We also acknowledge that many of our young people have heightened senses that can be affected by their clothing. For these reasons, we take a more relaxed approach to uniform. However, learners must wear:

  • dark (black, blue or grey) trousers or skirts
  • white tops (polo or shirts)
  • dark closed-in shoes (trainers are permitted)
  • PE clothing on PE days only

For health & safety reasons, we will not permit anyone to wear:

  • excessive jewellery (rings/necklaces)
  • open-toe shoes of any description
  • balaclavas

*If purchasing uniform is an issue, please contact us on info@breakthroughschool.co.uk and we will seek to support your young person​.

Term Dates

Our term dates for the current academic year can be downloaded for future reference by clicking below.